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News-Worth Creation

The book is divided into two parts. The first part is called Create and offers tools and step-by-step guidelines on how to create remarkable stories and write engaging press releases. The second part is called Show, and covers techniques to get your story published in the media and mechanisms to measure the impact of the media coverage attained.

In the first part we will share two tools that we have created: (1) The News-Worth Canvas, a tool for describing, analyzing, and creating remarkable stories, and (2) The News Builder, a tool for creating killer press releases and perfect news articles in a very systematic and easy way. Then, in (3) Dinosaurs we provide ten examples built on major success cases in the media landscape to make the concepts comparable, easy to understand, and applicable.

Likewise, the second part is divided into three sections: (4) Contact, explaining how to contact journalists and get them to publish articles, (5) Perform, a guide on how to conduct interviews and avoid the most common mistakes, and (6) Measure, with tools and framework to make the most of our the media coverage.


We have been warned of the dangers of this book. To be honest, the tools and the concepts that we will be sharing with you here could be dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands — we can admit that. But here is the thing: this knowledge is already in the wrong hands. There are individuals and companies all over the world that are hacking the media and taking advantage of News-Worth Dynamics to spread their influence with complete disregard to the well-being of society.

Our aim in publishing this book is to level the playfield. We are sharing this knowledge to empower honest and hardworking entrepreneurs by teaching them the same strategies that powerful people use behind closed doors. We want innovators to benefit from the power of well built press release, so that they can grow at an amazing rate. We want creators to understand not just how to create value, but also how to supply elements of interest that will save them millions in marketing. And lastly, we hope to raise awareness among the general audience on how the media operates in this century so that everyone can draw their own conclusions when confronted with news.

With great power comes great responsibility. So please be responsible with the knowledge you will gain through the following pages and don't spread fear or hate while you deploy these tactics for your own gain.