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Building Ventures: the Builder's Handbook

Bulk-creating Valuable Startups in High-focused Verticals

The guide for those who channel innovation

Entrepreneurs, corporates, and investors work better as a team.

By industrializing innovation, venture builders are changing the way new startups and products are created. However, running these organizations requires a lot of genius, talent, and effort at the top. The managing team of a venture builder must identify business ideas, build teams, find capital, provide shared services and help govern or manage the startups. Indeed, the venture builder becomes the key cofounder of the startup.

This creates an urgency for a successful framework that helps the venture builders avoid mistakes and reduce uncertainty; by becoming more efficient at running companies, more creative, more insightful, and more capable of leading and inspiring co-founders.

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Differences with Incubators and Accelerators

Venture builders stand apart from accelerators and business incubators due to a fundamental distinction: while incubators and accelerators offer support to companies for a limited time and typically specialize in a specific phase of business development, a venture builder is a long-term co-founder that evolves alongside the company.

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Account for assets

A common mistake that a builder's management can make is offering services to the startups without charging for them. This practice may seem sensible at first glance; it certainly seems easier in the short term, but it is bad practice. Why is it a mistake, and what is the correct way to do it?

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Shareholder Majority

The most straightforward and often contested control mechanism is the builder's majority shareholding. Typically, the builder holds the majority of shares in a company, which might be unexpected for less experienced entrepreneurs.

There are various reasons for this majority ownership, which might not be immediately apparent to entrepreneurs. These reasons are multifaceted and extend beyond the short-term planning horizon that entrepreneurs often focus on.