What is Legit.Health?
Legit.Health is the computer vision medical device that enables any Health Care Practitioner (HCP) to perform like an experienced specialist in Dermatology.
Just by looking at an image, Legit.Health's convolutional neural networks are able to perform two thrilling tasks:
- Diagnosis, which consists on identifying the most likely condition in an image
- Severity measure, which consists on quantifying the intensity of the clinical signs
That's how Legit.Health offers a clinical decision support tool that, among other things:
- Increases the adequacy of referrals
- Increases the correct diagnosis rate of HCPs
- Automates the monitoring of chronic patients
- Allows the extraction of endpoints during clinical studies
- Enables the implementation of workflows to reduce costs and in
My role at the company
- Co-founder and COO
- Leading the product development team, which consists on software development, medical data science and compliance.